Category: Solutions

  • Chakras 101: Balancing Your Vital Energy for Vibrant Health

    Chakras 101: Balancing Your Vital Energy for Vibrant Health

    “Disease is often an accumulation of damned-up energy. When we learn how energy moves through the Chakras, we can begin to allow it to flow freely through our bodies, creating greater health.”

    – Caroline Shola Arewa

    In today’s blog, we’re going to talk about a subject that’s gaining a lot of mainstream traction – Chakras.

    If you want to learn:

    • What Chakras are
    • The difference between the seven Chakras and how they affect your health
    • How to balance and maintain Chakras using microcurrent technology

    Then you’re in the right place.

    We’re going to explain the mechanics behind what is often considered a spiritual belief and share how microcurrent therapy is the key to tapping into these vital energy channels for optimal health and wellness.

    What are Chakras?

    A Chakra is a place in your physical body where you feel vital energy localized when experiencing a feeling. It is believed that an imbalance in Chakras may lead to illness, physical disease, musculoskeletal problems, and mental health challenges like anxiety and depression.

    Chakras are energy hubs within your body that help to regulate critical processes like:

    • Organ Function
    • Emotions
    • Immune System Function

    The Science Behind Chakras

    Chakras are often regarded as a spiritual belief, but we tend to look at them through a more mechanical lens in holistic healing. In our bodies, we have a system that is functionally running on electricity. Our bodies are machines after all, and each person’s body is a unique one.

    Your electrical body relies on passing electricity along specific wires (or meridians) to vital organs in order to power them. The Chakras are a critical component of this electrical system and function like backup batteries for your various systems.

    Chakras are often described as wheels that are turning, and that analogy is actually quite clever. Our Chakras are cogs keeping things going in the machine of the human body.

    Dr. Frankenstein had the right idea with electricity; it is life, and in its dysfunction, we lose life. People can eliminate trauma, both physical and emotional, by recharging and rebalancing these wheels. Next, let’s briefly discuss these wheels (Chakras) and what could indicate dysfunction in them.

    Meridians and Chakras

    Meridian channels and the autonomic nervous system follow the same path along the spine. This is also where the Chakras receive and transmit Universal Energy into and away from the body.

    To learn more about the connection between meridian and chakras, please read the following blogs:

    The Seven Chakras

    It is believed that every body contains seven Chakras positioned from the base of the spine to the crown of the head. Each Chakra possesses its own vibrational frequency, which is represented through a particular Chakra color and regulates specific functions that help make you, well, human.

    Below, you will find a chart that is helpful in understanding and referencing the seven chakras. Below this chart, we will go a little more in-depth with each Chakra and what an imbalance could look like.

    The Root Chakra

    If there is an imbalance in the Root Chakra (located at the base of your spine), you may experience fear, anxiety, or bad dreams. Physical imbalances may be expressed as problems in the colon and bladder, with elimination, or even lower back, leg, or feet issues. In men, prostate problems may also occur.

    The Sacral Chakra

    The second Chakra, the Sacral Chakra, is also known as the sexual and creative Chakra. It is located a few inches below the navel and above the pubic bone and encompasses the genital region. When your Sacral Chakra is out of balance, you may experience emotional instability, fear of change, sexual dysfunction, depression, or addictions.

    The Solar Plexus Chakra

    Next up is the Solar Plexus Chakra. If you are experiencing imbalance here, you can suffer from low self-esteem, have difficulty making decisions, and may have anger or control issues. This means that your solar Chakra is blocked and therefore cannot achieve its full potential. Physically this Chakra impacts your Digestion – and anyone struggling with digestive health.

    The Heart Chakra

    Located on the center of our chest is the Heart Chakra, which has the potential to dramatically affect all of the other Chakras above and below, as it blocks our central highway connecting the others from working in harmony.

    Respiratory conditions, such as lung infection and bronchitis, circulatory and heart-related issues, feeling closed off, jealousy, and fear of intimacy, are all symptoms related to an imbalanced heart chakra. It’s also important to talk about the concept of a broken heart. If you have been hurt by someone, whether it was the death of a friend, spouse, or family member, or feel abandoned by someone… this Chakra could be at a standstill.

    The Throat Chakra

    The Throat Chakra, located at the center of the neck, is the fifth Chakra which regulates the movement of energy between the lower parts of the body and the head. If you have issues speaking or verbalizing anything or feel that you hold back how you feel, then this Chakra may be impacted. Headaches, fatigue, autoimmune disease, and hypothyroidism are all connected to this Chakra.

    The Third Eye Chakra

    Positioned at the forehead, the Third Eye Chakra is the sixth of seven Chakras. Often regarded as the “conscience,” this Chakra governs the pineal gland and your vision, intuition, memory, and imagination. You’ll notice we make use of this Chakra in anything to do with the brain.

    The Crown Chakra

    The Crown Chakra is the seventh and final major Chakra. It is located on the crown of the head and is associated with spirituality. A deficiency in the crown Chakra tends to cause subtle, systemic problems. These include:

    • Depression and mental fog
    • Chronic fatigue
    • Migraines and other chronic headaches
    • Greed and materialism

    It is also believed that the Crown Chakra plays a significant role in learning disabilities.

    Do any of these symptoms strike you as intuitively true for you? In that case, you will likely want to look at these as potential areas to treat with microcurrent therapy.

    How to Treat and Balance Chakras for Health and Wellness


    The most advanced Microcurrent devices on the market (like our Avazzia Pro Sport III) have Chakra frequency sets built-in. These sets are established to open up the Chakras, unblocking them from whatever may have them jammed up. Additionally, microcurrent accessories like the ViaQi can help you treat the individual Chakras with their appropriate programs and preferred frequencies.

    Another way to tap into and balance your Chakras would be with the Avazzia Life Evolution and a Scalar Qi– we’ve heard from many patients that this method is effective for them – give it a try and see how you feel! After all, what works for one person may not work for everyone. It’s all about finding out what’s suitable for your individual body and constitution.

    Nurture and Maintain Your Chakras Today

    So, there it is—a basic introduction to Chakras. We here at Pain Free for Life highly encourage you to look at them through this lens: As a physical part of your body electric that has to be nurtured and maintained. It is expected and entirely normal for Chakras to get knocked out of balance or stall completely.

    “The struggles of everyday life impact us all. But remember, you have the tools to restart these overtaxed systems and get them going again – so don’t hesitate to use them.”

    – Dr. Rob Vanbergen

  • The Ultimate Guide to Healing Autoimmune Disease

    The Ultimate Guide to Healing Autoimmune Disease


    Researchers have identified more than 100 different types of autoimmune diseases. This list includes rheumatoid arthritis, type 1 diabetes, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, fibromyalgia, multiple sclerosis, Graves’ disease, inflammatory bowel disease, lupus, and many more.

    If you’re living with an autoimmune condition, we understand how frustrating it can be to identify practical (and effective) treatments to resolve your constant aches, pains, fatigue, and brain fog.

    Fortunately, in our combined 70+ years of practice and research, we have nailed down some highly effective treatments to resolving autoimmune symptoms once and for all. And we’re revealing them all with you today.

    What’s Included in This Ultimate Guide?

    If you’re ready to move past your autoimmune condition and get back to living the life you love, you’re in the right place! Our all-natural approach to treating autoimmune diseases requires no needles, no surgeries, no pharmaceuticals, and no long recovery periods.

    In this Ultimate Guide to Healing Autoimmune Disease, we reveal:

    • What autoimmune disease is
    • The root cause of autoimmune disease
    • Common autoimmune symptoms
    • How The Hache Protocol ™ and microcurrent therapy resolve autoimmune conditions
    • How to treat specific autoimmune conditions naturally
    • Autoimmune success stories
    • And so much more

    This guide is PACKED with informative blogs, free reports, and links to where you can get started with microcurrent healing for your autoimmune condition today. Let’s get started!

    What is Autoimmune Disease?

    Autoimmune illness can be notoriously tricky to diagnose, with many patients suffering for years before receiving a proper diagnosis and treatment. In autoimmune diseases, the immune system goes into overdrive and begins to attack the body’s own cells. The result? An array of unpleasant side effects and a lifetime of seemingly incurable pain.

    What Causes Autoimmune Disease?

    While not every case will involve all of these, some of the most common underlying issues contributing to autoimmune dysfunction include:

    • Compromised organ function
    • Compromised cell function/energy production (ATP)
    • Toxic overload
    • Inflammation
    • Poor gut function
    • Blocked energy meridians

    Other risk factors include genetics, infection, hormone disruption, microbial imbalance, and tissue damage. Autoimmune disease can potentially be triggered by stress, environmental toxins, infection, radiation exposure, lifestyle factors such as smoking and poor diet, and even socio-economic conditions. Often it is impossible to pinpoint an exact cause of a person’s illness. Frequently, multiple factors may be involved.

    Epigenetics and Autoimmune Conditions

    Epigenetics is a relatively new concept that has yet to be fully explored. There’s a lot we don’t know yet. But we do know this: certain environmental factors, including pesticides and other chemicals, can trigger immune-related disease. Many autoimmune diseases, cancers, and a number of neurological and psychological disorders have all been linked to epigenetic causes.

    What are the Symptoms of Autoimmune Disease?

    Symptoms of autoimmune disease vary significantly from one type to another and between individuals. Nearly everyone with an autoimmune disorder experiences mild to severe pain, fatigue, body dysfunction, emotional distress such as anxiety and depression, and/or cognitive impairment. Other symptoms can include digestive problems, fever, joint pain and swelling, swollen glands, and skin inflammation.

    The Hache Protocol For Pain Resolution™ – A Comprehensive Approach to Eliminating Autoimmune Symptoms

    Now on to the solutions. The Hache Protocol for Pain Resolution™ is our straightforward but powerful program that naturally and effectively relieves the life-altering symptoms of chronic pain, autoimmune disease, and more.

    The backbone of The Hache Protocol for Pain Resolution™ consists of 5 Interactive Elements that work to resolve autoimmune conditions synergistically.

    The Five pillars of the Hache Protocol™

    1. Stress reduction
    2. Nutrition
    3. Fitness
    4. Sleep
    5. And Microcurrent therapy – the “secret sauce” to the Hache Protocol™

    Let’s dig in and examine how each of these pillars contributes to an environment in your body that is conducive to finally healing and moving on from autoimmune-related pain, inflammation, and distress.

    Sleep and Autoimmune

    Poor sleep habits have been linked to increased inflammation (the root cause of almost all pain and disease). If you’re living with an autoimmune disease, increased inflammation probably sounds like a disaster waiting to happen – and it is. Your body needs plenty of deep, restorative sleep to heal and recharge. And if you’re not getting it – it’s time to make quality sleep a priority.

    Stress and Autoimmune Disease

    While many factors contribute to autoimmune illness, scientific studies regularly expose a link between stress and autoimmune disease. Some researchers even identify stress as the ultimate cause of autoimmune disease in many cases.

    Nutrition and Autoimmune Disease

    What you eat directly affects your gut health, which in turn affects how you experience autoimmune illness. For example, did you know that certain species of gut bacteria can translocate to other organs, where they can trigger an autoimmune response in the body?

    Fitness and Autoimmune Disease

    Exercising can be difficult to get into, especially while battling an autoimmune disease, inflammation, and pain. But if you’re suffering from an autoimmune disease, exercise is one of the best (and most accessible) natural anti-inflammatory tools you can use.

    Microcurrent Treatment of Autoimmune Conditions

    Now on to the “the secret sauce” of The Hache Protocol™, microcurrent therapy. Healing autoimmune disease is fundamentally dependent on good cell-to-cell communication. And that means your electrical system needs to function at full capacity (after all, your entire body is electric).

    Electricity needs to flow freely in your body to keep all your systems working together as they should. And this is precisely what it does – until something happens to block that flow of energy through the body. Certain conditions (like autoimmune disease) will over-activate the body’s immune system, hindering this electrical communication which inhibits healing potential and regenerative functions your body is trying to perform.

    With the help of a microcurrent device, microcurrent therapy “speaks to the body in its own language” by delivering gentle, body-friendly frequencies.

    Treating Autoimmune Disease by Condition

    We’ve written extensively on treating specific autoimmune conditions with microcurrent therapy in our Pain Free For Life Blog. Please peruse our selection of condition-based treatment information by clicking on the links below:

    If we haven’t covered your specific condition yet, there’s a good chance it’s in the works! Sign up for our newsletter to stay in the loop about new blogs, exciting training opportunities, discounts, and more.

    Vagus Nerve Stimulation and Autoimmune Disease – What you Should Know

    Researchers like Kevin Tracy have posited that the brain can use the nervous system– and the Vagus nerve in particular – to tell other organs to turn off inflammation in the body. As you know, inflammation is the driving force behind autoimmune disease (and all other diseases, for that matter). So, it can be surmised that learning how to harness the power of Vagus nerve stimulation may be the answer to finally eliminating your symptoms of autoimmune.

    • To learn more about how to flip the switch on inflammation through Vagus nerve stimulation, peruse our blog HERE.

    Autoimmune Success Stories

    We’ve heard countless inspiring success stories of those who’ve successfully treated autoimmune conditions with The Hache Protocol™.

    To read real stories of people who have effectively used The Hache Protocol™ and microcurrent therapy to alleviate (and even eliminate) the symptoms of their autoimmune conditions, please browse our selection of case studies below:

    • For Lauren’s Ulcerative Colitis Recovery Story, click here.
    • To learn how Janice Found Crohn’s Relief, click here.
    • To find out how Bill Beat CRPS, click here.
    • To hear how Kaija Freed Herself From CRPS Pain, click here.

    Note: Growing research suggests that CRPS may involve both autoimmune and autoinflammatory components.

    Autoimmune Solutions Guidebook

    In our collective 70+ years of medical practice, Pain Free for Life has helped thousands of people break free from devastating autoimmune symptoms to live happy, productive lives once again. This completely free guidebook was designed to share the many approaches and treatments that have been incredibly effective for autoimmune disorders in our clinic.

    Current Medicine 2nd Edition – Your Guide to Life-Changing Autoimmune Protocols

    Current Medicine enables anyone to control their autoimmune symptoms using our line of Avazzia microcurrent devices.

    This new and enhanced version of Current Medicine includes over 100 protocols—separated into three categories:

    • Condition Based Protocols
    • Core Techniques
    • Emergency Protocols

    Manageable color-coded sections instruct any microcurrent user on how to perform breakthrough treatment plans designed by Drs. John and Lorry Hache based on their decades of experience in the field of microcurrent therapy.

    In Current Medicine 2nd Edition, you will learn how to treat the following autoimmune conditions:

    • Ankylosing spondylitis
    • Crohn’s disease
    • Fibromyalgia
    • Hashimoto’s disease
    • Lupus
    • Lyme disease
    • Psoriasis
    • Rheumatoid arthritis
    • Type-1 diabetes
    • And more!

    Get your copy of Current Medicine HERE today.

    Which Microcurrent Devices are Ideal for Treating Autoimmune Conditions?

    Though there are many microcurrent devices on the market, we recommend working with those in our Avazzia line. The professional-grade Avazzia Pro Sport III, Avazzia Life Evolution, and user-friendly Avazzia Life Genesis are all capable of performing life-changing autoimmune protocols with impressive accuracy. Ensuring optimal success in healing from autoimmune disease starts with the right microcurrent generator – so don’t miss this critical step.

    You’re Invited: a Place to Heal and Grow

    If you’re living with an autoimmune disease, it can feel like no one understands or believes you. For most of us, it’s an invisible battle that’s waged in silence and isolation. But we’re working to change all that through the supportive and inclusive community that we’ve fostered in our Pain Free For Life Support Group.

    The Hache Protocol™ Private Membership – Ongoing and Personalized Autoimmune Solutions

    To receive no-holds-barred access to fully customized pain management mentorship, private events and trainings, microcurrent device upgrades, and exclusive member discounts on Private Consultations, we welcome you to join our Pain Free for Life Membership Community.

  • The Ultimate Guide to Healing with Scalar Waves

    The Ultimate Guide to Healing with Scalar Waves

    Scalar wave healing and regeneration is something we get a lot of questions about. In fact, it’s one of the most popular topics on our Pain Free For Life Blog – and for a good reason! Our patients and clients love what this technology has been able to accomplish for their difficult to treat conditions, and we’re honored to help you understand why it’s so successful when so many other treatments fail.

    This Ultimate Guide digs into some of the most common questions and concerns related to scalar energy healing with answers that are easy to understand and apply to your individual health conditions and circumstances. In addition, we’ll be unveiling free resources and links to where you can buy scalar healing technology – all in one place.

    We’re answering questions like:

    • What are scalar waves?
    • How do they work?
    • What are the benefits of scalar waves for my health?
    • What conditions can I treat with scalar waves?
    • How do I get started with scalar wave healing today?
    • And much, much more.

    So, sit back, grab a cup of herbal tea and get ready to learn all about scalar waves and how they can revolutionize your health and healing capabilities in ways you never imagined.

    What are Scalar Waves?

    You may have heard of scalar waves, and some preliminary research may have left you more confused than when you started. But scalar waves are actually a pretty straightforward part of everyday life for all of us. Scalar waves are all around us. They’re often referred to when talking about quantum physics, but the main point to keep in mind is that these waves are a natural form of energy that’s shaped like an hourglass.

    How do Scientists Observe Scalar Waves?

    How do we know scalar waves exist and what their shape is if they are invisible? They can be observed and studied through spectrograph imaging. A spectrograph is a scientific tool that splits up light by its wavelengths and documents data on said wavelengths. Why is it significant that scalar energy operates on an hourglass shape? All of your DNA and cells operate on an hourglass shape – making scalar waves entirely body-friendly.

    The History of Scalar Energy

    Scalar waves have always been on Earth since the beginning of time. The first person to observe and document them is Scottish scientist James Clark Maxwell, born in 1831. An expert in mathematics, Maxwell created two crucial theories that inform all subsequent research on scalar waves: electromagnetic radiation and electromagnetic fields. Albert Einstein then continued Maxwell’s work and eventually discovered “The Theory of Relativity.”

    But the real rockstar of scalar wave research is Nikola Tesla. Tesla endeavored to bring scalar energy to the mainstream by positing that scalar energy is one of nature’s primal forces because it is free, renewable, and exists everywhere – just like air.

    Tesla believed that if we could learn how to contain the power of scalar energy, we’d have boundless energy and limitless possibilities. Thus, Tesla is often called the father of scalar waves, and to this day, scalar waves are also known as “Tesla waves.”

    How are Scalar Waves and Electromagnetic Waves Different?

    Here are four ways in which electromagnetic waves and scalar waves differ:

    1. Scalar waves encompass a field and are longitudinal
    2. Electromagnetic waves are transverse and travel like waves
    3. Scalar waves are immediate and have no loss of power over immense distances, whereas electromagnetic waves lose power over distance
    4. Scalar waves have the ability to pass through hard metal objects with no power loss; electromagnetic waves cannot

    Zero-Point Energy

    Scalar energy is produced when two electromagnetic waves from two opposing paths ultimately converge. When these energy vectors meet, the equal frequencies cancel each other out, leaving a static or stationary form of energy and zero frequency.

    To learn more about zero-point energy, why it is so crucial for healing and regeneration, and how to use our Scalar technology, we suggest checking out our e-Book, Scalar Waves: Zero Point Fields and Your Health.

    What Are the Benefits of Scalar Waves?

    Scalar waves:

    • Boost nutrient uptake
    • Trigger cellular detoxification
    • Increase brainwave coherence and mental focus
    • Balance both hemispheres of the brain (super-learning)
    • Promote heightened states of creativity and awareness
    • Are thought to trigger a positive increase in immune function and promote detoxification
    • Promote greater levels of cellular energy
    • Clear negative memories stored in cells
    • Counteract the effects of harmful EMFs
    • Promote healing and regeneration

    Scalar Waves and Grounding

    Another benefit of scalar waves is their ability to help you ground yourself because they work at a frequency that aligns with the Schumann Resonances. These frequencies span from 7.83Hz to 33.8Hz and have numerous health benefits. Most notably, Schumann Resonances balance out your body’s electrical potential, keeping your cells functioning as they should and your body able to repair itself.

    To learn more about the Schumann Resonances and why grounding is a vital step towards ultimate health and wellbeing, please read our blog, How Grounding Beats Stress.

    How do Scalar Waves Promote Healing?

    It’s time to answer the biggest (and most important) question about scalar waves out there, “how do scalar waves promote healing”?

    By harnessing the Schumann Resonances and running them through the Scalar Qi, you can simulate their natural state and utilize them for healing, allowing you to:

    • Increase the energy level of every single cell in your body to an ideal level
    • Regulate the intake of nutrients and elimination of waste from every cell in your body
    • Cleanse toxins from the blood
    • Improve immune function up to 149%
    • Improve cognitive function

    These benefits are immensely effective in helping to reverse numerous serious health conditions – including chronic pain, migraines, and arthritis.

    Scalar Waves and Regenerative Healing

    Your body gathers debris when it is ill or injured, and the hourglass scalar shape of this energy becomes tainted. Scalar energy treatment eliminates this undesirable debris from the area, giving you a fresh canvas for healing.

    Are Scalar Waves Safe?

    The incredible results we’ve seen in our practice and the success stories we’ve heard in our Pain Free For Life Support Group prove that scalar waves stand to revolutionize the way we treat severe health conditions. We look forward to being a part of the movement that brings scalar wave healing to the forefront and will immediately share any new research with you as it becomes available.

    What Conditions Can You Treat With Scalar Wave Healing?

    Scalar wave technology (like the Via Qi) is instrumental in the treatment of stubborn conditions like:

    • Arthritis
    • Chronic pain
    • Extreme nerve pain
    • Gut pain
    • Hernias
    • Migraines
    • Plantar fasciitis
    • TMJ

    Mini Scalar Wave Case Study – Dr. John Hache’s Hernia Healing Success Story

    Dr. John Hache recently shared a story about his experience with resolving a patient’s hernia with scalar wave energy.

    Please read it below:

    “A patient came into our clinic with a persistent hernia. If you’ve ever suffered from a hernia, you understand how complicated they can be to resolve. Typically, hernias need to be addressed with invasive surgeries. However, my patient decided they wanted to try a less invasive approach to tackling this uncomfortable condition before proceeding with the surgery.

    In my experience, hernias are always a complicated case because you need to get the organ back in place and then heal the area enough so it holds. It’s a long and often grueling process and, unfortunately, sometimes doesn’t work. This was the case with my patient, who needed help resolving a herniated area in the groin. I had tried various methods to treat the area, and luckily the pain started to subside. But here’s the problem we ran into…every few days, the hernia would spring back up, and it wasn’t decreasing in size at all.

    At the time, I had been researching the scalar waves in my spare time as the prospect of their ability to provide a breakthrough intervention inspired me. So, I thought that I’d give it a try. After all, what could it hurt? Unfortunately, after a ten-minute session, there was no reduction in pain. Still, I followed up with a simple stimulation protocol over the area, and after a brief treatment, the hernia receded into the area, and the pain went with it.

    Using the Scalar Qi finally cleared away the cellular debris that was halting the healing process and provided me with an optimum treatment field that was ready to accept healing. To me, the results spoke for themselves.”

    – Dr. John Hache, DNM, PhD

    How Can You Harness the Power of Scalar Waves for Healing At Home?

    Are you excited and intrigued by the healing capabilities of scalar wave technology? This technology was once only conducted in a medical setting. However, due to recent advancements in this field of science, an affordable at-home option is now available.

    Introducing: Scalar Qi – The Ultimate Aid in Scalar Wave Healing

    Scalar Qi is a revolutionary microcurrent accessory that is innovating the way we address stubborn health conditions. How does it work? We like to use this analogy to simply explain:

    Think of an old desktop computer that is limping along – running slower than ever. However, when you reboot, defrag, and clear the memory, the computer starts functioning again as it should. This is how scalar energy works; it gets you back to prime optimization by “rebooting” an area contaminated by debris. The Scalar Qi allows you to create an ideal environment for recovery.

    • To learn the difference between the Scalar Qi and Via Qi – two products that look remarkably similar but do very different things – watch the video below:

    Which Microcurrent Devices are Ideal for Scalar Energy Healing?

    To get started using the Scalar Qi for regenerative healing and more, you will need to pair it with an Avazzia Life Evolution or Avazzia Pro Sport III microcurrent device. These devices are outfitted with the optimum frequency sets built-in. Ensuring optimal success and efficacy of your Scalar Qi starts with the right microcurrent generator – so don’t miss this important step.

    Learn More About Scalar Wave Healing Today!

    Phew, that was a lot of information! We here at Pain Free For Life hope this Ultimate Guide to Healing with Scalar Waves has helped you gain a better understanding of scalar waves, how they work, and why we are so excited at the limitless possibilities they present for the future of natural medicine.

  • Weight Loss and the Gut Microbiome

    Weight Loss and the Gut Microbiome

    Not feeling like yourself these days? You’re not alone. Over the past year and a half, many of us have seen changes in our weight due to the pandemic. Gyms were closed, many were stress-eating loads of sugar and carbs and working from home meant it was all too easy to pop into the kitchen when boredom struck.

    But now that we’re all getting back into the swing of things, we thought it was the perfect time to talk about the critical role your gut microbiome plays in weight management.

    In this blog, we’re uncovering:

    • Why a positive body image is essential for good health.
    • The critical role gut bacteria play in weight management.
    • Two gut health problems that cause unnecessary weight gain.
    • And how you can naturally cultivate a healthy gut microbiome to achieve a healthy weight.

    The fact is gut health and weight loss go hand in hand. So, if you’re looking to shed a few extra pounds to improve wellness, decrease chronic pain, or alleviate the debilitating symptoms of an autoimmune condition, read onwe have solutions.

    Fostering a Healthy Body Image

    First and foremost, this information is designed to help you achieve better health. Every body is different (and that’s a beautiful thing). Because of this, we want to encourage you to approach any attempt at weight management/weight loss from a place of self-love.

    • Remember, how we talk about our health directly affects our healing —and weight loss is no different. For some positive self-affirmations that will aid you in establishing a better relationship with the body you are already in, please read our blog, How We Talk About Chronic Conditions Affects Healing.

    The Role of Gut Bacteria in Weight Management

    While certain medical conditions like autoimmune diseases, thyroid disorders, and hormone imbalances are a major contributing factor to weight gain, today we’re focusing on the gut microbiome: the trillions of bacteria living in your digestive tract.

    Gut bacteria play various key roles in your health, like producing specific vitamins and communicating with your immune system. But did you know your gut bacteria can also produce chemicals that help you feel full? Because of this, gut bacteria can affect your weight by changing the way you think about calories and eating.

    2 Insidious Gut Health Problems That Cause Unnecessary Weight Gain

    There are trillions of bacteria in our guts, but there are two main culprits that can throw a wrench in your plans to maintain a healthy weight: Firmicutes and Candida overgrowth.

    1. Unbalanced Firmicutes and Bacteroidetes— Of the countless types of anaerobes in your gut, two have garnered the most attention in relation to obesity—Bacteroidetes and Firmicutes. Studies now show that the more Bacteroidetes you have compared to your Firmicutes, the healthier your weight will be.

    But the big question is, “why do these bacteria affect our weight in the first place?”. It is thought that these bacteria regulate how much fat we absorb. This was demonstrated in a comparative study that observed identical twins eating the exact same diet. These twins were found to have different ratios of Bacteroidetes to Firmicutes. The result? The one with more Firmicutes absorbed more calories than the other on the exact same food. So, if you want to lose weight, fewer Firmicutes and more Bacteroidetes should be your aim.

    1. Candida Overgrowth— When you eat a high-sugar diet, take antibiotics, live a high-stress lifestyle, have a weakened immune system, or frequently drink alcohol, you can develop an infection called Candidiasis. Candidiasis occurs when an overgrowth of usually harmless yeast that lives in your mouth and intestines runs rampant, resulting in fatigue, a weakened immune system, and inflammation due to a constant flood of toxins flowing through your bloodstream.

    Candida needs sugar to grow and reproduce. When you experience an overgrowth, a constant and often insatiable craving for sweet, carbohydrate-rich foods will ensue due to the production of hormones that cause you to crave what your infection needs—sugars. When you give in and eat sweet or starchy foods, the Candida growth process sets in motion again, resulting in a vicious cycle that severely compromises weight loss.

    Boost Gut Health (and Maintain a Healthy Weight) With These Natural Solutions

    Ready to get started on cultivating a health-boosting, fat-fighting gut microbiome? Try one (or all) of these natural strategies today.

    • Fight Candida— A good Candida treatment plan can destroy the fungal pathogens in your gut that cause sugar and carbohydrate cravings (and the resulting weight gain it produces). Firstly, you will need to stop stoking the fungal fires of Candida by avoiding sugars and carbohydrates as much as possible. This will be extremely hard because your body will be screaming out for sugar. But push through. It will be worth it.

    But fighting Candida isn’t only about cutting things out. It’s about adding good things in as well. Because of its antifungal properties, fresh, crushed garlic has been hailed as a Candida-busting superfood. A comparative study found that when given to mice, allicin (a substance that results from crushing garlic) seemed to fight Candida yeasts at a slightly less successful level than the antifungal drug fluconazole. It has also been found that curcumin, one of the main active components of turmeric, may kill Candida yeasts in several exciting studies. Curry for dinner, anyone?

    • Balance Firmicutes and Bacteroidetes—Because Firmicutes are necessary to absorb fats, high-fat diets cause you to have more of them, which leads to weight gain. You can avoid this by eating a high-fiber diet that’s filled with good carbs like brown rice and oatmeal. Additionally, just like with Candida, Firmicutes grow on sugars, so avoiding high-sugar foods like candy, desserts, soda, and processed condiments is key to keeping them in check. In fact, Firmicutes are known to grow uncontrollably in factories that process sugar cane. Shocking, right?
    • Try Intuitive Eating—Recently, we introduced the concept of intuitive eating or the practice of listening to and identifying internal hunger and satiety cues. Research has found that intuitive eating actually aided in weight loss and management while decreasing disordered eating, so we recommend intuitive eating as a way to stay on track diet-wise.
    • Enjoy Fermented Foods— Do you love the bright and tangy flavor of sauerkraut, kimchi, and pickles? If so, you appreciate the trademark flavor of lacto-fermentation. Lacto-fermented foods are an excellent way to populate your gut with healthy bacteria (probiotics) that help you maintain a healthy weight. Also, studies have shown that fermented foods aid in reducing inflammation, boosting the immune system, and treating gastrointestinal diseases.
    • Focus on Stress Reduction— Living a high-stress lifestyle can cause cortisol to rise in your bloodstream. Prolonged exposure to cortisol produces adverse side effects like weight gain, inflammatory response, and blood sugar imbalances. All of these processes can be to blame for the retention of extra unnecessary weight (especially around your midsection.)

    we suggest you reference the following blogs for some excellent tips on eliminating stress in your life:

    Get Your Probiotic Supplements Today to Balance Your Gut and Weight

    Remember, weight loss starts in the gut. Therefore, supplements that support proper digestive function and gut health like the Sana Therapeutics Digestive Health Kit cannot be underestimated when working towards a healthy weight. Our kit comes complete with gastric support, digestive support, liver/gallbladder support— and finally, a high-quality enteric-coated probiotic, ensuring that the good bacteria are released in your gut and not wasted.

  • Exploring Models of Disability

    Exploring Models of Disability

    “Inclusion is within everyone’s ability.”


    Fostering a society that recognizes and celebrates a vibrant tapestry of diversity is one of the most significant actions we can take as humans. Though we may all have different racial and gender identities, religious beliefs, cultural values, and physical abilities—there’ something we all collectively share.

    We all yearn for and deserve justice, safety, security, acceptance, accessibility, health, and love.

    Each person deserves a fair and equitable opportunity to realize their needs, wants, and dreams. And there’s one thing we can all do—right now—to make the world a better place…to try and understand where others are coming from.

    And that’s precisely why we are talking about one attribute of our beautifully diverse society—disability—and its two most popular models, medical and social, in this week’s blog. Learning about the different models of disability has been essential for us because many of the chronic pain conditions our patients experience contribute to disability. Learning about these models may help you reframe how you look at health, healing, and wellbeing.

    The Medical Model of Disability

    So, what is the medical model of disability? Simply put, the medical model of disability sees an individual’s disability as a medical problem, and sets out to treat, cure, or heal it. That explanation may sound simple enough, but this common understanding may cause those who live with a disability to feel undervalued, pressured to fit into a norm, or excluded from society at large. And that’s never the goal.

    Like all medical professionals, we at Pain Free for Life often look at disability through the lens of the medical model. That isn’t to say we don’t consider the social model (more on that in a bit).

    We’ve heard from some of our patients with a disability that their physical limitations are less of a burden than the societal preconceptions and misconceptions they experience. We treat patients every day who live a life that looks significantly different from average due to their health challenges. Some have even referred to their chronic pain conditions as “The Invisible Disability.”

    Doctors aren’t setting out to “other” those with disabilities or invalidate their unique attributes—they are simply doing their job—facilitating treatment. All medical treatment aims to prevent or treat health conditions that affect quality of life.

    Many people are raised only knowing about or understanding the medical model of disability, but that’s changing as disability activists and advocates present another way of looking at disabilities.

    The Social Model of Disability

    The social model of disability is a message championed by disability activists and scholars that places a distinction between impairment and disability. In this social model, it is believed that the person’s impairment isn’t the problem—it’s the inhospitable and inaccessible world around them that poses the real challenge.

    The social disability model takes the onus off the disabled person and refocuses on how society should or could be more universally accessible for those with differing abilities. Accepting this view of disability can be empowering because the hard truth is that many disabilities don’t have a cure.

    Advocates of the social model believe that the medical model—which primarily focuses on a cure, or “fixing” a disability—causes our society to lose touch with things we can do today, right now, to make the lives of those with disabilities significantly better.

    The Curb-Cut Effect

    Many of the things that have been done to make the lives of those with disabilities more accessible actually help society at large as well. This is often referred to as “The Curb-Cut Effect.”

    In the 1970s, footpaths were redesigned to eliminate curbs. When you cross the street today, you may notice a gentle grading, almost like a ramp (or curb-cut). Curb cuts were designed to allow people who use wheelchairs or walkers to cross the street safely. But the benefits of these curb-cuts were instantly noticed and enjoyed by bikers, people pushing strollers or grocery carts, rollerbladers, and skateboarders.

    Another example of The Curb-Cut Effect is text messaging. Text messaging was initially designed to accommodate deaf people, and now text messaging is one of the most popular and loved forms of digital communication worldwide.

    Ultimately it is up to those with disabilities to decide what concepts and models of disability they identify with. And it’s up to non-disabled people to comprehend and respect both models.

    An Equitable Future is Possible

    A world that provides equitable access to those with disabilities is genuinely a better world for everyone. And as a holistic medical practice, we understand the value in and advocate for a balance between the social and medical models of disability when designing a treatment plan for those who identify themselves as being disabled.

    One thing we’ve learned about living in pain or with a disability is that it can feel very isolating—but you’re not alone! We encourage you to join our Pain Free for Life Support Group to connect with others who understand and can support you in your unique life experience.

  • Microcurrent Therapy and The Hache Protocol™—What You Need to Know

    Microcurrent Therapy and The Hache Protocol™—What You Need to Know


    Over the past few weeks, we’ve been talking about the five elements of The Hache Protocol for Pain Resolution™ and how they work synergistically to promote healing from chronic pain, inflammation, autoimmune symptoms, and more.

    Today, we’re digging into arguably the most important and impactful element of The Hache Protocol™— microcurrent therapy and examining:

    • How microcurrent therapy ties the other four elements (stress reduction, fitness, nutrition, and sleep) together.
    • Why microcurrent therapy is considered ‘the secret sauce to The Hache Protocol ™.
    • And finally, why microcurrent alone isn’t a miracle cure.

    If you’re ready to try a viable solution to persistent and unrelenting chronic pain, read on! The Hache Protocol ™ and microcurrent therapy may the answer you’ve been searching for.

    In a World of Pain

    A body in pain is unnatural. We are not meant to live our lives suffering through each day with no reprieve or relief in sight. Unfortunately for the 1.5 billion people worldwide who live with chronic pain, this existence is a cruel reality.

    4 Shocking facts about chronic pain:

    1. 5 billion people worldwide suffer from chronic pain.
    2. Women are more likely to live with chronic pain than men.
    3. Chronic pain affects those 65 and over at a much higher rate than the rest of the population.
    4. Chronic pain is more common in rural areas than urban areas.

    These facts, combined with our clinical experience, have motivated us at Pain Free for Life to provide a simple solution to chronic pain that doesn’t include potentially addictive pills, painful needles, long recovery times, or uncomfortable side effects.

    To read true stories of how we’ve helped chronic pain patients find relief (when nothing else worked), read from our selection of case studies:

    An Integrative Approach to Resolving Pain—The Hache Protocol™

    When our patients come to us, they’ve typically tried EVERYTHING mainstream medicine has to offer for pain management with no success. It can be so frustrating and defeating to feel as though you can’t be helped. Fortunately, we’ve identified a way to get a handle on chronic pain and inflammation that really works (because it requires an entire lifestyle approach to healing). This solution is The Hache Protocol For Pain Resolution™.

    Dr. John Hache, DNM, PhD & Dr. Lorry Hache, PsyD have used their combined 60 years of clinical practice to establish the five interactive elements of The Hache Protocol™.

    The 5 Interactive Elements of The Hache Protocol™:

    1. Stress Reduction
    2. Nutrition
    3. Fitness
    4. Sleep
    5. Microcurrent Therapy

    These elements work synergistically to create an environment in your body that can fully receive the benefits of what we like to call “the secret sauce of The Hache Protocol™—microcurrent therapy.

    To learn more about the five elements of The Hache Protocol™, download our FREE report: 5 Interactive Elements of Pain Free Living.

    Microcurrent Therapy—The “Secret Sauce” of The Hache Protocol For Pain Resolution™

    Microcurrent Therapy is essentially the glue that holds the four other elements of the Hache Protocol™ together, creating a harmonic approach to pain resolution unavailable anywhere else. Microcurrent has the unique ability to assist you with all four of the other elements we previously mentioned.

    So, you’ve heard us say it time and time again, and you may be wondering, why is microcurrent considered “the secret sauce of pain resolution”?

    Microcurrent allows you to “speak to your body in its own language.” Applying precise frequencies of super subtle (low level) electricity to injured tissues can communicate with the brain at this most basic level. The result? Microcurrent gently encourages and assists the body to restore damaged portions of your bioelectric field back to a healthy place.

    When you learn how to perform microcurrent therapy, you can:

    • Correct the body’s communication signals to the brain.
    • Accelerate the healing process.
    • Help to reverse even long-term effects of tissue damage.
    • Relieve chronic pain, inflammation, and autoimmune symptoms.
    • And much, much more…

    All the while optimizing the other elements of The Hache Protocol ™.

    Microcurrent Alone is Not a Miracle Cure

    As we mentioned, microcurrent supports pain management by enhancing the other aspects of the Hache Protocol™. But here’s the thing – if you’re living with disabling pain, just one of the five interactive elements alone won’t do the trick. Without the four other elements of The Hache Protocol™, your microcurrent treatment protocols simply won’t be as successful as possible.

    To learn more about using a holistic approach to optimizing the efficacy of microcurrent therapy through The Hache Protocol™, read our blog, What Microcurrent Can’t Do.

    Learn More About The Hache Protocol™ and Microcurrent Pain Management

    So, as you can see, microcurrent provides real hope and a viable solution for the 1.5 billion people suffering from pain worldwide. Still, it needs to be used in conjunction with The Hache Protocol™ for the best possible results. In an instant gratification world, it can be tempting to try quick-fix solutions, but chronic conditions don’t respond well to these types of treatments.

    You need to nurture your body and put it in a state that will accept the benefits of microcurrent to the fullest. That involves getting proper rest, eating well, achieving restorative sleep, and reducing the insidious nature of stress in your life.

    Don’t worry. It’s much easier than you may think to get started with The Hache Protocol For Pain Resolution™. Once you start applying these five interactive elements to your routine, they will seamlessly become part of your lifestyle for many years to come.

    For more information on microcurrent therapy and how it works in conjunction with The Hache Protocol™, please access these excellent resources today:

    FREE reports on The Hache Protocol™ and Microcurrent:

  • How to Effectively Deal With Stress and Get Your Life Back

    How to Effectively Deal With Stress and Get Your Life Back

    Effectively deal with stress and get your life back.

    “It’s not stress that kills us, it’s our reaction to it.”

     – Hans Selye

    There’s much to be said about the insidious nature of stress and how it affects our overall health and wellbeing. But if you live with chronic pain, inflammation, or an autoimmune condition, getting a handle on your stress could be the difference between thriving and limping along in sorrow and pain.

    Today we’re talking about to effectively deal with stress as soon as it strikes and offering up some long-term solutions so you can curate a life for yourself that is virtually stress-free and conducive to healing from chronic pain and illness.

    Signs You May Be Stressed (and Not Even Know It!)

    Not all stress is bad.  Eustress (positive pressure) can be helpful and gratifying in a situation like falling in love, meeting a challenge, or winning a competition. The problems arise when chronic stress wears your body out, leaving it susceptible to adverse health risks like illness and disease.

    The symptoms of stress can be sneaky and sometimes difficult to identify until it’s too late. More than 75% of adults in the US report experiencing better known physical or emotional symptoms of stress such as tiredness, headaches, and changed sleeping patterns. But many more of us are experiencing lesser-known symptoms of stress that seem to fly under the radar.

    Lesser-known signs of stress:

    • Weight gain around the abdomen
    • Irregular or missed periods and intense menstrual cramps
    • Sore jaw or teeth clenching
    • Stomach aches, constipation, diarrhea, or vomiting
    • Brain fog
    • Tightness in the shoulders or neck
    • Nightmares
    • Back pain

    If you face one or several of these lesser-known symptoms of stress, it’s time to step back and evaluate some of your triggers so you can begin to eliminate or mitigate them.

    Quick Ways to Bring Down Stress

    Now that you can recognize when you’re stressed, what can you do about it? Here are a few ways to reduce stress in the moment so that you don’t get stuck in a sympathetic state (fight or flight).

    Grounding allows you to tap into low natural frequencies that emanate from the Earth, called the Schumann Resonances.

    Grounding— Grounding allows you to tap into low natural frequencies that emanate from the Earth, called the Schumann Resonances. These frequencies range from 7.83Hz to 33.8Hz and provide a wide array of health benefits, stress reduction being one of them. Most importantly, Schumann Resonances work to balance the body’s electrical potential, keeping cells functioning optimally so the body can repair itself.

    Self-Affirmations— How we talk to and about ourselves has a direct effect on our mental wellbeing. This concept is rooted in the idea of neuroplasticity, or our brains’ ability to adjust at any stage of life. Your brain is designed to create new neural connections and optimize neural pathways to adapt to new situations. By speaking to yourself in a kind and supportive way, you can support your brain in doing so.

    Physical Activity—Physical movement promotes the production of endorphins (the feel-good hormone) and triggers the release of proteins called neurotrophic factors. This process causes nerve cells to grow and make new connections, improving brain function, making you feel better.

    Long-Term Approaches to Reducing Stress

    Now it’s time to talk about ways to reduce overall stress that you can do every day but aren’t necessarily suitable for in-the-moment stress reduction. These strategies should be looked at as more of a routine than a “tactic” to getting a handle on health-harming and overwhelming thoughts.

    Mindfulness— Yoga, Thai Chi, meditation, journaling, and walks in nature are all excellent ways to practice mindfulness, or the practice of shifting your focus to the present moment, while calmly accepting and acknowledging your feelings, bodily sensations, and thoughts.

    Trigeminal Nerve Stimulation is a microcurrent therapy protocol that has been scientifically shown to improve the severity of depression and PTSD by tapping into the benefits of Gamma waves.

    Trigeminal Nerve Stimulation— Trigeminal Nerve Stimulation is a microcurrent therapy protocol that has been scientifically shown to improve the severity of depression and PTSD by tapping into the benefits of Gamma waves.


    Vagus Nerve Stimulation is one of our most effective and impactful microcurrent protocols for relieving stress, anxiety, and depression.

    Vagus Nerve Stimulation Vagus Nerve Stimulation is one of our most effective and impactful microcurrent protocols for relieving stress, anxiety, and depression.

    • To learn about the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous system and how Vegas Nerve Stimulation can be utilized to get you out of fight or flight mode, read our blog, Polyvagal Theory and Vagus Nerve Stimulation Putting Theory into Practice. In this blog, you will receive free step-by-step instructions for performing this highly effective stress-reduction protocol.

    Big Moves You Can Make to Create a Stress-Free Lifestyle

    Even while using short-term stress reduction techniques, you will need to address the source of stress to find the best relief. This includes making some lifestyle changes that create more space in your daily routine to feel peace, gratitude, and serenity.

    Consider if any of these lifestyle changes will bring you relief from unnecessary stress:

    Negotiate Away Stress— If there is a particular aspect of your life causing your extreme stress and distress, try and see what you can do to change it. It could look like asking your boss to work from home or switching around your schedule. If daily chores are overwhelming you, consider hiring a cleaning person or gardener to lift that burden. You’d be surprised at how making a few minor tweaks can open a whole new world of possibilities for you and your peace of mind.

    Change Your Job—  83% of Americans experience workplace stress, and 76% of those workers experience a negative impact on their personal relationships due to said stress. If you feel your work environment is detrimental to your mental wellbeing, start planning for a change. We only get one life to live, and it shouldn’t be spent toiling away in an environment that keeps us from flourishing.

    4 Strategies for successfully making a career change:

    1. Save up as much money as you can to assist you in bridging the gap between employment.
    2. Start sending off resumes as soon as you can acknowledge that your job is stressing you out. If you wait too long, you may be too emotionally exhausted to think about making a change.
    3. Speak with your family and/or partner about any potential gap in wages while making the change.
    4. If you quit your current job before starting a new one, use your free time wisely. Work on improving your life and mental health. Go for walks, connect with people who you love and admire. And remember not to get down on yourself for making such a big decision: your mental and physical health are more important than anything else.

    Get Professional Support— Less than 25% of those with depression worldwide have access to mental health treatments. If you are fortunate enough to have access to mental health services through your insurance plan or employer, we implore you to utilize them (even if you don’t think you need them).

    A lot of stressed-out people find cognitive-behavioral therapy (or CBT) helpful in breaking thought patterns that get them stuck in a loop of stress and misery. CBT is a psychotherapeutic treatment that teaches you how to detect and adjust damaging or disturbing thought patterns that negatively affect your behavior and emotions.

    Getting professional assistance with mental health doesn’t have to be a huge undertaking. A Swedish study suggests that those who suffer from chronic stress can benefit significantly from a relatively short CBT program (even in patients with severe symptoms). As little as 10 minutes of CBT via the internet per patient each week was shown to be helpful.

    Surround Yourself With a Supportive Community— Whether you belong to a faith group, book club, or a support group like our Pain Free For Life Support Group on Facebook, surrounding yourself with supportive and understanding people is a vital step in establishing a more peaceful lifestyle.

    Now, you can incorporate some or all of these strategies into your routine to better balance your life.

    After all, your healing is dependent on it.

  • 5 Sleep Myths Busted and Our 3 Favorite Natural Sleep Aids

    5 Sleep Myths Busted and Our 3 Favorite Natural Sleep Aids

    Sleep deprivation leads to poor immune function, an increase in the inflammatory response, and mental health issues—eventually digging you into a hole that is near impossible to climb out of. That’s precisely why we’ve made sleep one of the five pillars of The Hache Protocol for Pain Resolution™, our program for naturally resolving chronic pain, inflammation, and autoimmune symptoms.

    Achieving restorative healing sleep often isn’t as easy as popping a pill. It takes an entire lifestyle approach which we understand can be intimidating when you’re living in chronic pain.

    The excellent news is we are sharing some natural sleep aids that have helped countless patients of ours and busting five common sleep myths that may be getting in the way of revitalizing your sleep routine.

    5 Common Sleep Myths Busted

    There’s a lot of false information out there about sleep. Sheep, milk, melatonin, wine, we’ve all heard our friends and family tout their “miracle cure” for getting good rest, but unfortunately, many of these sleep strategies are simply a myth.

    Let’s debunk some of the most common misconceptions about achieving the quality sleep your body needs to heal from chronic pain, inflammation, and autoimmune symptoms:

    1. You can catch up on sleep over the weekend—Many of us wrongly assume that we can catch up on the sleep we missed during the busy work week once the weekend rolls around. But that’s just not true. At Pain Free For Life, we like to always think of sleep like a line of credit. Each time you subtract from it, you will need to pay that same amount back or endure interest penalties. And when it comes to repaying sleep debt, it almost always looks like a hit to your health. That’s not to say you shouldn’t get some extra rest over the weekend if you feel you need it, but ultimately the best strategy is to prioritize getting the essential 7-9 hours per night.
    2. Alcohol can help you wind down and fall asleep faster—Because alcohol is a central nervous system depressant, many of us will feel relaxed and calm after imbibing, and it can be tempting to kick back a few when sleep eludes us. But don’t make this mistake, as consuming alcohol before bedtime can cause increased insomnia, poor sleep quality, and grogginess the next day. And that’s not where the problems end. A 2018 study found a 25% increase in sleep apnea in those who consumed alcohol before bed. Another study in 2018 found that as little as two servings of alcohol per day for men (or one serving for women) decreased sleep quality by a staggering 9.3%.
    3. Count sheep for better sleep—We’ve all heard about counting sheep to fall asleep faster. But distracting yourself with mental imagery of sheep jumping over a fence is more a hindrance than a help when rest doesn’t come easy, according to an Oxford University study.
    4. Drink milk before bed—The image of a man in a nightcap drinking a glass of milk before bed is ubiquitous in pop culture, cartoons, and movies. But there is no settled science to support the idea that drinking dairy before bed helps you sleep better. If you have a dairy intolerance, it could make getting the rest you need much more complicated as you toss and turn with stomach cramps, bloating, and unplanned bathroom trips throughout the night.
    5. Melatonin is a miracle cure for sleep—As we’ve previously stated, melatonin is accepted by most doctors as an appropriate short-term approach to achieving better sleep. But exercise caution when using melatonin supplements as they can disturb your body’s natural sleep cycle, making you reliant on it.

    The great news is, we’ve pinpointed several practical and approachable natural sleep aids that really work, and we are going to share them with you now.

    Our 3 Favorite Natural Sleep Aids (Hache Protocol™ Approved)

    We love recommending these natural sleep aids because they work in harmony with The Hache Protocol™ to provide a non-addictive and accessible route to restorative sleep— every night.

    1. A soothing cup of sleep tea—The ritual of brewing a fragrant and comforting cup of tea before bed is enough to help your mind slow down and prepare for sleep, but did you know that some fantastic natural herbs can help you achieve restorative rest each night? Valerian, lavender, chamomile, cardamom, peppermint, lemon balm, catnip, cinnamon, and banana peel are all excellent ingredients for a homemade natural sleep tea blend.
    • If you’d prefer not to prepare your own tea blend, we suggest our Sana Therapeutics Tea: Sleep Blend. This natural tea is a pleasure to drink and will calm your nervous system so you can settle in for a healing night’s rest.

    1. A good book—Remember how relaxing it was to have someone read you bedtime stories as a child? There’s some science to support the idea that reading can decrease stress levels and improve sleep. Researchers from the University of Sussex found that reading before bed reduced stress levels by a surprising 68% in participants, which helped them achieve better quality rest. Another study by The Sleep Council found that 39% of people who regularly read before they slept “sleep very well.”
    2. Microcurrent therapy— As one of the five pillars of The Hache Protocol™, the power of microcurrent therapy can not be underestimated when it comes to supporting a healthy sleep cycle and routine. We often like to say that microcurrent therapy is the “secret sauce” that ties the other four elements (sleep, fitness, nutrition, and stress reduction) together.

    We’ve identified two microcurrent protocols (Vagus nerve stimulation and Conductive Ear Clips) that are particularly effective in alleviating insomnia and helping our patients get the rest they need to thrive.

    We’re Here to Help You Get Back on Track

    Remember, your body requires sufficient sleep to revitalize and heal itself and to perform crucial reorganization activities in the brain.  Regrettably, sleep deprivation has become an epidemic, and the conventional solution of employing potentially addictive pills isn’t doing anyone any favors.

    Rather than encouraging our patients to continue relying on drugs to get to sleep, we will continue to help you find natural sleep aids that assist you in feeling deeply rested and rejuvenated each and every morning— naturally.

  • 5 Easy and Effective Exercises to do Outside

    5 Easy and Effective Exercises to do Outside

    Are you feeling “blah” after a long and tedious year spent indoors? You’re not alone! Many of us are itching to get out and enjoy the warmth of summer, and with that comes getting active. As the weather starts to warm up, we encourage you to get moving in the great outdoors as an incredibly important step towards improving your mental and physical health.

    Outdoor Exercises for Chronic Pain, Inflammation, and More

    Exercise is an essential component of living a life free of chronic pain, inflammation, and illness. It’s so important that we’ve made it one of the five pillars of The Hache Protocol For Pain Resolution™, our simple but effective system for safely and effectively relieving chronic or acute pain naturally, without drugs, needles, addictive pills, or unwanted side effects.

    Want to learn more about the vital role fitness plays in alleviating the following conditions? Click the links below:

    We’d like to gently remind you that we’re not suggesting you push yourself to your physical limits by participating in a triathlon. When we talk about exercise, we’re referring to a gentle, easy moment that gets your heart rate up and blood pumping. This could look like gardening, walking the dog, or yoga.

    Why is Exercising Outside So Beneficial?

    Now that summer is upon us, we can freely and comfortably exercise outdoors again, and that’s great news because studies have shown getting active outside has significant health benefits.

    Top 4 benefits of getting active outdoors:

    1. Uplifts your mood— As we mentioned in our blog on grounding, a 2015 study found that just one hour of direct contact with the Earth improved mood in participants. Additionally, a review of scientific research shows that people who exercised outdoors felt more energized, revitalized, and engaged than those who got active indoors. Feelings of anger, tension, and depression were also shown to decrease with outdoor activity.
    2. Activates cancer-fighting cellsWhen you spend time outdoors, you inhale aromatic compounds from plants called phytoncides. Inhaling these compounds is known to increase a type of white blood cell that supports your immune system and is associated with a decreased risk of cancer.
    3. Lowers blood pressure—A recent study suggests that spending as little as 30 minutes in a park each week can positively impact blood pressure because getting fresh air and lowering stress supports heart health.
    4. Optimizes your workout— One study determined that older people who trained outside were able to complete roughly 30 minutes more exercise per week than those who only exercised indoors.

    Places to Exercise Outside

    The great thing about getting active outdoors is that it is usually completely free! Gym and health club memberships can run in the thousands per year and only seem to increase in price as time goes on. Looking for a new spot to get out and get active?

    Places to get exercise outdoors:

    • Your yard or garden
    • Local parks
    • Walking trails
    • Hiking trails
    • The beach
    • A track at a nearby school
    • Go window shopping in your city or town’s center
    • Walk around your neighborhood
    • Visit a peaceful cemetery

    5 Exercises to Try Outdoors This Spring

    Now you’re aware of the myriad of benefits associated with exercising outside; we’d like to share some of our favorite ways to get moving in the beautiful spring weather.

    1.Take a hike or walk— Experience a fun family day in nature by planning a hike over the weekend. Wake up early, pack up some healthy snacks and plenty of water, and set out to discover the beauty and serenity of nature. There will be so much to see and experience that you’ll almost forget you are exercising. The great thing about planning a hike is that you can choose a difficulty level that works for your body. If waking up early isn’t your thing, evening or night hikes can be fun too! Just remember to bring a few flashlights.

    2. Warrior pose— Try the warrior yoga pose for a quick, easy, and refreshing boost to your day.

    • Place your right foot towards the back of a yoga mat, creating a long stance. You don’t need a mat but be sure you have solid footing and the ground isn’t wet or slippery.
    • Next, place your right heel down and move your foot to a 45-degree angle.
    • Bend your left knee to a 90-degree angle (if this is uncomfortable, do as close to 90 degrees as possible).
    • Extend your arms upwards.
    • Try to angle both hips towards the front. If you experience pain in the hips, knees, or lower back, do not attempt to do this. Yoga is all about doing what is comfortable for your
    • Hold the pose for 5-10 breaths before returning to your original position and repeating the same steps on the opposite side.

    3. Get the garden together— You’d be surprised at how good of a workout gardening can be. Get your hands in the soil and plant a vegetable garden to enjoy this summer, pull weeds, or drop a few flower seeds in some planters. If you have pain or mobility issues, ask a friend or neighbor to help with tougher jobs like lifting soil or mulch bags.

    4. Swimming/ sculling— Exercising in the water is ideal if you experience acute or chronic pain because it decreases friction and pressure on your joints. In a safe, non-moving body of water, try sculling to bring up your heart rate.

    • Start with a foot kick that keeps you afloat. You can choose from modified breaststroke, flutter kicks, or eggbeater kicks.
    • With your head above the water, extend your arms to the side, creating a horizontal plane.
    • Push your hands forwards with the forearms moving a further 45 degrees forward without touching. Your palms should be facing forward as you do so. Always keep the horizontal plane.
    • Move your arms backward as much as you’re comfortable, then repeat the forwards motion. As you move the hands backward, tilt your palms so that they face slightly down.
    • When you reach the maximum of your shoulders in reverse, start the forward motions again.

    5. Yard games— Croquet, bocce ball, bag toss, lawn darts, the options for outdoor games are practically limitless! Call over some neighbors, family, and friends, and let the fun begin. After all, getting active is all about celebrating and enjoying the body you are in.

    Enjoy the Best of the Season

    No matter how you do it, get outside and revel in the fresh air and warm sunshine of summer. For more easy and safe exercise ideas, please read our blog, 4 At-Home Exercises for Chronic Pain Warriors.

  • How to Relieve Sciatica Naturally

    How to Relieve Sciatica Naturally


    One day you’re able to bend down in the garden, lift your grandkids, or head out for a brisk hike—and the next— you can hardly get out of bed. If you’ve ever felt a burning, throbbing pain in your lower back/ buttock—it might be sciatica. And if you’ve ever tried quick-fix solutions like over-the-counter anti-inflammatories, you know they just don’t touch sciatic nerve pain.

    So, what do you do when sciatica is affecting your quality and enjoyment of life? Treat it naturally! Today we’re sharing some of the most effective techniques for addressing sciatica.

    Our natural sciatica treatments require:

    • No injections
    • No drugs
    • No surgeries
    • And no long recovery times

    Read on to find out how you can finally find relief from this troublesome condition.

    What is Sciatica?

    First, let’s talk about the sciatic nerve. It branches all over the lower back through the hips, buttocks, and down each leg. Sciatica is a condition defined by acute or chronic pain that radiates alongside the path of the sciatic nerve. As many as 40% of people will develop sciatica in their lifetime, with odds increasing as we age. Those who suffer from sciatica often only experience it on one side of their body.

    Common Causes of Sciatica

    Sciatica is often regarded as a chronic and treatment-resistant pain syndrome. This is because it is difficult to pinpoint the exact root cause of sciatic nerve pain in many cases. But the bottom line is this: when the sciatic nerve becomes impinged—you will run into problems.

    Here are some of the most accepted causes of sciatica according to medical professionals:

    • Lumbar herniated disc (aka. slipped disc or ruptured disc)— experts believe an estimated 90% of cases of sciatica are associated with a lumbar herniated disc. This problem is most common in people between the ages of 30-50 years old.
    • Lumbar spinal stenosis— a common cause of sciatica in those over 60 years of age is spinal stenosis (narrowing of the spinal canal).
    • Degeneration— when intervertebral discs degenerate, they may emit inflammatory proteins, triggering inflammation of the sciatic nerve.
    • Piriformis syndrome— occurs when a small muscle in your buttock that runs over the sciatic nerve is tight. Tightness in the piriformis can then compress the sciatic nerve and cause pain.
    • Spondylolisthesis— when a minor stress fracture causes a vertebra to slip forward upon another, resulting in nerve compression.

    Even if you can’t figure out exactly what’s causing your sciatica, there’s hope for eliminating your pain! We have some practical and natural approaches to keeping that cringing pain at bay below.

    Risk Factors for Developing Sciatica

    People of any age can develop sciatica, but it is more common as we get older and in those who work jobs that are hard on the body like truck driving, factory work, office work, agriculture work, and warehouse work.

    Here are some of the most common risk factors associated with sciatica:

    • B-12 deficiency
    • Depression
    • Genetics
    • Obesity
    • Poor ergonomics at work
    • Certain occupations
    • Previous spinal cord injury
    • Pregnancy
    • Sedentary lifestyle
    • Smoking

    Sciatica can be excruciating, but luckily it can often be treated naturally at home. For those who experience weakness in their legs or incontinence due to sciatica— you should speak with your doctor.

    Simple Tips for Ending Sciatica Naturally


    Some holistic medical professionals recommend using supplements for sciatica. Supplements are a great option to try because they are typically inexpensive, non-habit-forming, and non-addictive.

    The following supplements have been reported to help ease the symptoms of sciatica:

    • Turmeric
    • Vitamin B-12
    • Magnesium
    • Omega-3


    Something as simple as poor posture can flare up sciatic nerve pain, so be mindful of your posture when walking, sitting, or working. Gentle exercise will keep your back strong and support proper posture.

    Looking for some simple low-impact exercises to keep your back happy and healthy? Check out our blogs:


    If you spend a good deal of time on your feet and think it may be contributing to your sciatic nerve pain, we suggest trying special sciatica insoles in your shoes. It’s important to remember that insoles alone cannot prevent or eliminate sciatica, but they can be a hugely beneficial tool in conjunction with stretching, good posture, and microcurrent therapy.

    2 Exercises for Immediate Sciatica Relief

    Complete and long-lasting elimination of sciatica may not be something you can achieve instantly, but immediate sciatica relief is absolutely possible.

    Try these exercises to remove impingement of the sciatic nerve when you feel a flare-up of pain:

    1. Sciatic Nerve Flossing

    This exercise can alleviate sciatica and lower back pain by massaging a compressed sciatic nerve. If you suffer from sciatica, try doing this exercise every morning and night to keep your sciatic nerve happy and avoid inflammation flare-ups.


    1. Sit in a chair—slightly hunched— with your legs floating off the edge.
    2. Place both hands on your thighs.
    3. Straighten your knee while looking upwards.
    4. Slowly lower your leg while gently bowing down your neck.
    5. Return to the original position.

    Repeat these steps three times to complete a circuit. Start by performing three to five circuits a day and work up to ten. This exercise can be used to stop sciatica in its tracks preventatively.

    2. Cat-Cow (Yoga Pose)

    Even if you think yoga isn’t your thing, give this stretch a try to ease tightness and inflammation associated with sciatica as it relieves compression in the lower back.


    1. Kneel on your hands and knees, keeping your arms square with your shoulders and knees square with your hips.
    2. Gently bend your low back while looking upwards (inhale while doing so).
    3. Hold this pose for two seconds.
    4. Next, arch your back and look downwards (exhale while doing so).
    5. Hold this pose for two seconds.

    Repeat these steps ten times in a row once a day.

    Microcurrent Solutions for Sciatica

    Microcurrent therapy is a systemic solution for sciatic nerve pain that addresses the problem at the root while training your brain to be pain-free.

    Needle-Free Acupuncture

    A 2015 review found that acupuncture was more effective than conventional Western medicines in relieving sciatica pain.

    Little Wings Protocol

    We love using this protocol for sciatica in our clinic because it takes pressure off the spine by realigning the hips.

    Equipment needed:

    Little Wings Protocol Instructions:

    1. Set your Avazzia microcurrent device to 121 Hz.
    2. Place the Y-Electrode on your shoulder and adjust the power to a comfortable level.

    Note: You will feel a loss of control in your shoulders and experience minor pulling on your arm. The Little Wings Protocol isn’t dangerous but be prepared for this sensation so you are not caught off guard.

    1. Position the electrode behind the ear and bring it down along the sternocleidomastoid muscle where the neck joins the shoulder. At this time, you can expect to feel a flutter or tug on your shoulder. The muscle will then contract for several seconds and then release. That’s considered one “flap.”

    Note: If you feel a sensation but don’t get a pulling sensation, increase the power on your Avazzia device, and you should then achieve the tugging or “flap” on the shoulder.

    1. Allow the shoulder to “flap” 5 times.
    2. Remove the electrode from the skin.
    3. Treat the other side of the neck for another 5 “flaps.”

    To learn more about the Little Wings Protocol, please read our blog on the subject.

    Eliminate Sciatica Pain With The Hache Protocol ™

    Ultimately healing from sciatica will require a full-body approach. The Hache Protocol for Pain Resolution™ incorporates five vital pillars of healing that place your body in the best possible condition for long-term and meaningful healing.

    Learn more about how The Hache Protocol ™ can help you address sciatica and other acute or chronic pain conditions HERE.