Regeneration with Microcurrent

Did you know that microcurrent therapy could trigger tissue regeneration? In this brief article we will discuss the development of regenerative microcurrent therapy, the blockages that can prevent regeneration from occurring, and the ways to overcome them. The History In… Read more »

Microcurrent Therapy for Healing Wounds

Wounds, breaks, and injuries: A category of conditions that often requires long recovery times, dangerous medications, and a hefty medical bill, and that at their worst can result in loss of limb, and even death. Microcurrent therapy has existed for… Read more »

Pulsed Electro-Magnetic Fields & Microcurrent

Pulsed Electro-Magnetic Fields (PEMFs) have been used extensively for decades for many conditions and medical disciplines, and results can be seen in animals as well as humans. The National Institutes of Health have made PEMFs a priority for research. In fact,… Read more »

Are you Protected from EMFs?

What are Harmful EMFs? In recent years, science has determined how the human body receives and uses information from the Earth’s electromagnetic field. Several billion crystalline magnetites in the human brain, in addition to DNA and the pineal gland, are… Read more »

Taking it Further – Taking it to the PONS

Edit: For those asking for more details…By delivering a specific frequency to specific pathways in the tongue, we are becoming able to reverse dizziness, balance problems, and have even seen progress in some individual’s hearing problems. This protocol is one of… Read more »