If you haven’t heard about prostatitis, don’t be surprised. When we think of men’s health issues prostate cancer gets a lot of press, but prostatitis affects one in six men in their lifetime. Men of all ages can develop prostatitis symptoms. It is the most common cause of urinary tract infections in men, attributing to roughly two million doctor’s visits each year in the United States alone.
Prostatitis is a painful condition that is marked by inflammation of the prostate and the areas around it, resulting in an enlarged prostate. This inflammation can be caused by multiple factors, but we see many similarities in the symptoms regardless of the cause.
The Prostate – A Key Component of Reproductive Health

The prostate plays an important role in the male reproductive system. This walnut-shaped gland’s main function is to produce fluid, a vital component of semen. A man’s fertility and reproductive health is directly tied to the health of his prostate. You can see why having inflammation or infection in this important organ can cause distress. Outside of the emotional and mental anguish, an enlarged prostate causes a multitude of uncomfortable and disruptive physical symptoms.
Symptoms of Prostatitis: Nature’s Warning Signal
If you are experiencing any of these enlarged prostate symptoms, you may be experiencing prostatitis. According to Mayo Clinic the main indicators of prostatitis are:
- Pain or burning sensation when urinating
- Difficulty urinating, such as dribbling or hesitant urination
- Frequent urination, particularly at night
- Urgent need to urinate
- Cloudy urine
- Blood in the urine
- Pain in the abdomen, groin or lower back
- Pain in the area between the scrotum and rectum (perineum)
- Pain or discomfort of the penis or testicles
- Painful ejaculation
- Flu-like signs and symptoms
The 4 Types of Prostatitis
Physicians have identified 4 types of prostatitis. They have varying causes and symptoms.
- Acute Bacterial Prostatitis- is marked by a bacterial infection with inflammation of the prostate. This is the least common type of prostatitis. Acute bacterial prostatitis is usually treated with antibiotics, pain relievers, and fluids.
- Chronic Prostatitis (Bacterial)- is marked by repeated urinary tract infections caused by bacteria persistently infecting the prostate gland. Bacteria like E. coli and klebsiella proteus enter the urinary tract and cause infection and inflammation. Prolonged use of antibiotics is the most common treatment for this condition.
- Chronic Prostatitis (Nonbacterial)- accounts for 90% of cases of prostatitis. When tested, there are no bacteria present in urine, but signs of inflammation are present.
- Asymptomatic Prostatitis- as the name would suggest, this type of prostatitis presents no symptoms, but inflammation is present.
Conventional Prostatitis Treatments
These enlarged prostate treatments have been widely used in managing prostatitis, but prostate medication comes with its own risks and side effects.
Antibiotics- are often overused in modern medicine, aiding in the proliferation of disease-resistant bacteria. When necessary antibiotics are extremely effective in fighting off a prostate infection and can be essential in cases of prostate infection, but many report negative side effects. Bowel disruption, mild rash, allergic reaction, stomach cramps, loss of appetite and thrush are reported as some of the negative side effects of antibiotic usage.
Alpha-Blockers- work byrelaxing the bladder neck and the muscle fibers where the prostate joins the bladder. This makes it easier to urinate and relieves some pain and pressure in the area. While this sounds like a great solution, there are risks involved with taking alpha-blockers. A Canadian study found a significant decrease in blood pressure within the first few days, increasing the risk of stroke in men starting alpha-blocking medication.
Muscle Relaxers- are prescribed to assist in easing prostate pain. Muscle relaxers have the potential for misuse and abuse and can be habit-forming. Side effects reported with the use of muscle relaxers include tiredness, drowsiness, fatigue, dry mouth, depression, decreased blood pressure, and addiction.
Anti-inflammatory Drugs- are known as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, or NSAIDs. They reduce inflammation by decreasing the production of prostaglandins—hormone-like chemicals that promote inflammation in the body. This type of drug is found in almost every home and is widely used to treat day-to-day aches and pains. Just because a drug is sold over the counter doesn’t mean it’s safe. Some of the side effects reported from NSAID use include ulcers, kidney problems, anemia, abnormal liver function, allergic reaction, headaches, and high blood pressure.
Natural Prostatitis Treatment: You Have Options!
Conventional medicine isn’t perfect, and it isn’t for everyone. You have a choice in how you care for your health and body, and you’re right to be wary of potential side effects. If you are left wondering how to treat prostatitis naturally and effectively, the great news is that there are numerous natural prostate cures you can try.
We’ve investigated some of the most popular and effective prostatitis home remedies for you:
Easing Prostate Pain

One of the worst aspects of prostatitis is the pain it brings. An aching lower back, abdomen, and pelvis can be a recipe for a pretty miserable time, so it’s important to start easing that prostate pain right away. You can accomplish this through lifestyle changes and home remedies for prostatitis.
- Heat- Applying a heating pad or taking a warm bath will soothe aches and pains and bring comfort to you. Try doing these activities right before bed to help you wind down and drift into a relaxing night of healing rest.
- Hydration- Drinking plenty of beverages helps to flush out bacteria from your urinary tract. Avoid caffeinated drinks as they can cause more harm than good.
- Herbal Remedies- Many men take herbal supplements for prostate health. Popular options include ryegrass and saw palmetto extract.
- Microcurrent – This natural, non-invasive therapy does wonders for treating all kinds of pain; we’ll tell you more about treating prostatitis with microcurrent below.
Prostatitis: Your Lifestyle Matters
Abstaining from certain lifestyle factors can be as important as being proactive about your health. Sometimes It’s not what you are doing, but what you aren’t doing that counts. Avoid these activities to promote a healthy prostate.
- Physical Irritation- Activities like biking or prolonged sitting can irritate the prostate.
- Bladder Irritants- Spicy foods, acidic foods, caffeine, and alcohol are known to aggravate the bladder, so skip these when experiencing prostatitis.
Microcurrent: a Highly Effective Holistic Treatment for Prostatitis
In a previous blog, we explored the idea that virtually every type of chronic disease, no matter what body system, correlates to one thing: inflammation. For an inflammatory illness like prostatitis, microcurrent therapy provides highly effective relief.
Inflammation is meant to only last a few days in the body, helping the body fight off invaders while it heals. Inflammatory over response is where the healing properties of this function start to do more harm than good. As we stated in our blog “What Is Microcurrent Technology, and Why Does It Work?” microcurrent’s success lies in its ability to gently correct intercellular communication in ways that promote real healing and help you resolve your pain and inflammation long term.
An estimated 90% of prostatitis cases are inflammation-related so we see this as a treatment option that will work for most men with prostate problems. We have had great success treating prostatitis with microcurrent in our clinic, primarily using non-invasive and easy to apply methods.
Start Healing Your Prostatitis Today
We’ve given you some reliable treatments for fighting the pain and inflammation associated with prostatitis, and we’d like to provide you with one more valuable resource to round out your healing toolbox. In our free report on how microcurrent can treat inflammation, you will find in-depth information in an easy to understand format that will aid in your quest to living a life free of pain, inflammation, and chronic illness.

Download the Free Report Today