Knowledge is power. Lack of knowledge is lack of power. If you don’t have that power and life’s not treating you right, then you’re a victim.
None of us likes to feel helpless, or to feel like a victim. Unfortunately, many people with chronic pain and illness do end up feeling like helpless victims when it comes to health care. They have one negative experience after another with the medical system, and it hammers them down.
For instance, a 2018 survey found that 62% of Americans with major illnesses feel confused and helpless. And nearly the same number reported problems or errors with the care they received.
How about you? Maybe your doctor doesn’t listen to you, or you’re frustrated with test after test to find out what’s going on or what’s causing your chronic pain. Did you know that the average time it takes for a doctor to diagnose endometriosis is nearly four and a half years?
Crazy! That’s a long time to wait for treatment.
Feeling hammered yet?
The thing is, at some point when you’re dealing with a system that’s not working, you can either stay hammered down in victim mode, or you can get proactive and take your power back.
Be the hammer, or the nail. It’s going to be one or the other, it can’t be both.
Tired of being hammed down by the medical system? Good. Let’s talk about taking your power back.
4 Keys to Taking Back Control of Your Pain Management Journey (and Your Life)
If you’ve read this far, chances are you are DONE with victim mode and ready to take charge of your own healthcare journey. Here are a few key things you can do to start hammering your way back to vibrant health and a pain free life:
1. Believe in yourself.
There is no bigger expert on your own body than YOU. If you are experiencing chronic pain, fatigue, or just that nagging sense that something’s wrong, know that these feelings are legitimate and deserve to be taken seriously. Sadly, it’s all too common for medical professionals to brush off the complaints of people they don’t know how to help.
If this has happened to you (especially if it has happened multiple times), we’re very sorry. Please don’t let it undermine your trust in yourself. And please don’t give up. There ARE doctors out there who will listen, and who will spend the time it takes to get to the bottom of your condition.
2. Make wellness a habit.
Feeling out of control often leads to feelings of hopelessness, depression, and lethargy. When in such a state, it can be really easy to stop giving our bodies the good basic care they need for healing to happen. Don’t let this happen to you! Your body needs all the advantage it can get when you’re dealing with chronic illness.
Getting in the habit of following a pain management and/or wellness routine can help you stay on the track to health even at the low times. If you’re not sure how, don’t worry! The same Hache Protocol for Pain Resolution™ we’ve used to help thousands of people free themselves from chronic pain is a tried-and-tested wellness and/or chronic pain management routine you can follow to ensure your body is getting what it needs to get well.
3. Recruit your wellness team
It’s so much easier to feel in control of a situation when you know someone’s got your back. When you’re dealing with chronic illness, you need to have people around you who can help you stick to your good habits and offer the emotional support you need to face and overcome your health care challenges. Take a moment now to identify who can fill this role for you. These may include your spouse, family, friends, neighbors, members of your congregation or social group, and/or health care professionals.
Don’t feel shy about proactively asking them for help. Remember that most people love being of help, but may not know what to do or how to offer. Being very clear and specific about what you need them to do (help with specific tasks, a ride to the clinic, remind you to do your self care, etc.) will make it easy for them to say yes. Ideally, your doctor should be part of your A-team. However, it’s possible that one of the tasks you may need help with is for someone to advocate for your rights as a patient.
Remember, there are ALWAYS people you can turn to for support. If you’re feeling isolated or shy about asking for help with your pain management, one great place to start that’s always available to you is our Pain Free for Life Community on Facebook. It’s free to join, and a wonderful way to get support from a vibrant community of people around the world who have also made the decision to take their health into their own hands and free themselves from chronic pain forever.
4. Become super aware of your body.
Whether you are struggling to get a diagnosis, or are working with a competent health care provider and making great strides towards vibrant health, one of the most powerful things you can do to accelerate your path to healing is to be as aware as possible of what’s going on with your body.
Take time on a daily basis to tune into your body, and keep track of what you observe in a journal or spreadsheet. Having it all in black in white will reveal patterns that show what’s really going on with your body and health.
Cultivating this kind of awareness is incredibly empowering. First, it provides precise, accurate information that can help your medical providers give you more accurate diagnoses and better care.
Also, having concrete evidence backing up what you know about your own body is an enormous confidence booster. You will likely find that when you’re more aware of what’s happening with your own health, doctors will be more likely to listen and take you seriously. It will become easier to ask for the help you need, and people will be more responsive to your needs. Even self-discipline becomes much easier when you’re clear on exactly what you’re dealing with and what you need.
Take Charge of Your Health With the MEAD-20 System

All of the points above are important if you want to get proactive about your own health. But #4—HEALTH AWARENESS—is one that a lot of people especially struggle with, for two reasons.
- They have a hard time communicating what they’re experiencing in ways that others (including doctors) really understand and take seriously
- They don’t have the expertise or the tools to monitor their own body accurately
Finding a system or tool that will let you see and record exactly what’s going on with your health can therefore really be a game changer when it comes to taking charge of your health.
There are many good ways to measure and monitor your health. But if you’re looking for the best tool possible for overall health evaluation and monitoring, you will not find a better option than the MEAD-20 system.
In other words, if you decide that “today I’m going to be a hammer, I’m not going to be a nail any more,” the MEAD-20 allows you to do that, quickly and easily, in the comfort of your own home.
What is the MEAD?
The MEAD is a state-of-the-art body energy evaluation device that combines the best of Eastern and Western medical theory and technology to measure and evaluate the bioelectric signals along the body’s energy meridians. Designed for health care practitioners to use in assessing patients, it’s also ideal for anyone who is serious about getting well and staying vibrantly healthy for life.
Using the MEAD, you can generate a comprehensive report of the state of the body’s energy in just 3 minutes, including:
- mental and physical health
- early warning for health issues
- stress levels
- therapy suggestions
- diet advice
- and more
The MEAD is a great tool for people to use if waiting for the doctor’s word just isn’t good enough. For less pressing health concerns, you may be able to skip the doctor’s visit altogether. And with bigger concerns, the MEAD’s analysis can speed up diagnosis time so you can start on a treatment plan as soon as possible.
Learn More About the MEAD Evaluation Device
Monitoring, measuring, and tracking your health isn’t something you should leave just to your doctor. The MEAD allows you to quickly and easily learn what’s actually happening with your body so you can stop feeling helpless and get back in the driver’s seat when it comes to your health.
There is so much more to this device than we can go into here. To learn more about how the MEAD works and why it’s so effective as a tool to help you take your life back from chronic pain and illness, download our free report below.
