Welcome to the Pain Free for Life podcast. In this episode, Dr. Rob Vanbergen converses with Dr. John Hache about Crohn’s Disease. In Canada alone, there are over 500,000 cases of Chron’s diagnosed every year and an estimated 5 million cases per year in the United States. Dr. Hache breaks Crohn’s down to its most basic element which is inflammation. This inflammation is present in the gut due to a system that is unable to repair. Dr. Rob goes on to explain how your abdomen is your body’s “second brain” to stress its importance and how using microcurrent to treat the scar tissue left behind by the inflammation can become a big difference in treatment for people.
Thank you so much for joining us today and listening to the Pain Free for Life podcast. For more information about Dr. Rob Vanbergen and how you can take steps to becoming pain free for life, visit the Pain Free for Life website.